Your ultimate Spotify companion.
Hungry for New Music? Create tailored playlists and tune your recommendations.
Love Spotify Wrapped? See your favourite tracks and artists at any time of the year.
Generate a tuneable new Playlist from a track, artist, album, genre or playlist
Tweak the sound profile of your new Mix to your tastes. Including Popularity, Energy, Loudness and Tempo
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Related Artists
Find an Artist that you love? See a list of recommended Artists based on their sound!
Recently Played
See a list of your most recently played tracks and create tailored mixes of new music based on your recent favourites
A single Spotify login manages your entire experience with MIXR. All of your data is stored securely on your device and is never accessed by any other services
Mix Up Your Music
Download MIXR - your ultimate Spotify companion
Create on-demand tailored playlists tuned to your tastes.
Track and Share your listening habits, any time of the year.
Exclusively on iOS.